an online 90s grimoire experience brought to you by ELECTRONIC PAPYRI!

Em hotep! Kaire! A pleasant, loving greetings to you. You must be here to learn about how I do my polytheistic craft! But first, introductions!

You can call me Sobekhotep or Dionysodorus. I'm a black (obviously) young adult trans man living in the USA. I have been a Kemetic pagan since about February 2024, and a Hellenic pagan since December 2024! It's a much better experience than being agnostic. But back to the site! I'm a devotee of Sobek and Dionysus. Sobek is the the mighty Kemetic crocodile god. Dionysus is the joyous Hellenic wine god. I also work with Anubis, Baast, Hathor, Isis, Sekhmet, Set, and Thoth (Kemetic) and Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hekate, Hypnos, Nyx, Pan, and Selene (Hellenic)!

On this website you'll find some other Kemetic and Hellenic neo-pagan resources and some other witchy goodness. I'll show you my growing altars, some prayers and hymns, the bare bones of my grimoire, and even some cool graphics. I hope you find something worthwhile while you're here!

I work on this site in my spare time when I'm not working on my grimoire! Please check out my TikTok if you are impatient!